"After Ya-Ya was separated from me, Mother's Day in prison was the hardest time of my life. Ya-ya had a birthday was on Saturday and Mother's Day was on Sunday. The women around me were there to support me. Women build each other up in prison because our love is all you have." – Delaisia
2013 Delaisia, who was working as a nurse, is incarcerated while pregnant.
2014 Delaisia gives birth to Ya-Ya in prison. She sends Ya-ya to her family to take care of her.
2015 Delaisia is released from prison and interns as a receptionist at Hour children. There she receives her GED and is now enrolled in school to become a registered nurse
Delaisia is the mother of Ya-Ya and is in training to become a registered nurse.
Delaisia was working towards being a certified nurse assistant and was one month pregnant when she was arrested for selling drugs and collecting unemployment while working. Today Delaisia is taking classes in the field of medicine and is interning as a receptionist. She is teaching her two-year-old daughter Ya-ya to read, cook, and attend church together. Her experiences have taught her that kindness is invaluable toward survival. She strongly believes that small crimes are not equivalent to the trauma faced while incarcerated and forced to be separated from her family. She attributes her resilience and love to her loving family of nurses and strong women.
"My daughter is teaching me how to love again. That in order to love her, I need to love myself."
Brooklyn, New York
Brooklyn, New York
Miami, Florida
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Charleston, South Carolina